
Hi, I’m David, and I’m a game developer! I was lucky to work on games ranging from educational, to mobile and even AA(A), mainly as a Producer and QA. If you want to read more professional introduction, just head to my LinkedIn but here are the main projects I’ve worked on.

Oh, and card games! I’m a big fan of LCGs and digital card games and several years ago I’d had an opportunity to co-design Opráski sčeskí historje card game.

And now I’m in mobile games industry, yet again.


I love games. I grew up with them, somehow managed to work in the industry since 2011, and I’m still having fun. This blog is about what I find interesting about games, “nerd” culture and whatever seems interesting to me at the time. I hope you like reading about watches or choosing an office chair.

Talking and writing about games is my passion and main hobby, and it doesn’t seem like that’s going to change anytime soon. I also co-host Czech gaming podcast Lootbox and realized I just need to “vent” about games more and in other languages.

So welcome! You will have a nice time (you have no choice) and hopefully enjoy my ramblings.